Gnocchi Day


Why gnocchi on the 29th?


Every 29th in a month is gnocchi day in Argentina, so here at Cafecito we prepare them specially every month, for you to experience the taste of our traditions.

A little story of why on the 29th:

Gnocchi or ñoqui arrived in Argentina when Italian immigrants came in the 19th century, who brought with them traditional recipes for pizza, pasta and ñoquis de papa.
Saint Pantaleo, who is a very beloved saint, who is said to have performed many miracles was canonized on the 29 of July. So the tradition of the 29th was originally instated to honor him.
In more recent days the 29th of the month was just the day before payday — people got paid on the first of the month — so by the end of the month, money was tight and all that was left in the larder was potatoes and flour. Ñoquis were the perfect solution as they are filling, delicious, and inexpensive.
Some people like to place money under the plate while enjoying the meal as a tradition for good luck.